
Bridge Kids provides kids with a place where they can make the decision to have a real relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith.

Safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.

Bridge Kids provides kids with a place where they can learn about Jesus, take their next steps in relationship with Him, and be encouraged to carry hope to the world about them.

Bridge Kids

We believe in building kids spiritually. In Bridge Kids our K through 5th graders receive a thorough Biblical education that will last their entire lives! Whether it is through great lessons, exciting worship, or interactive games, your child will gain the knowledge of worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. Sunday School 9am / Worship Experience 10am

Bridge Kids Jr

In our Bridge Kids Jr it is our goal to introduce our Pre-K kids to a loving God and His word using teaching methods that reach little ones on their level. Basic Bible stories come to life through creative storytelling, crafts, and music! Sunday School 9am / Worship Experience 10am

Nursery & Toddlers

Our nursery and toddler classrooms are for kids from Birth to 2 years old. Babies and toddlers will be shown attentive and loving care in a calm and playful environment. Sunday School 9am / Worship Experience 10am